Gain access to our on-demand webinar, featuring IDC insights into hybrid cloud and financing strategies from Susan Middleton, Research Director at IDC

Hear how to quickly get the fast, flexible infrastructure you need, right-sized for you and consumed on a pay-per-use basis. 

Conserve capital and align your IT spend to business outcomes by learning how HPE and Burwood Group are helping accelerate digital transformation across technology, people, economics, and sustainability.

Watch the full on-demand webinar below

View our in-depth conversation with IDC that explores and discusses 

  • The evolution of procurement models and the shift to as a service models
  • How as a service models help Data Centers reach IT transformation goals 
  • Reducing IT staff workloads through these models, and how this enables resiliency, continuity, and innovation 
  • COVID-19 impact on company technology roadmaps


Kevin Rainey – Vice President, Consulting Services, Burwood Group 

Kevin is responsible for leading Burwood Group’s consulting and architecture teams, encompassing technology expertise in cloud, networking, collaboration, and security. Kevin has worked in a wide variety of client settings from small IT environments to Fortune 500 companies. Kevin has 16 years of Microsoft, IT infrastructure and security experience. He has been consulting since 2006 with a wide range of clients in many different industries.

Susan Middleton – Research Director, Flexible Consumption and Financing Strategies for IT Infrastructure, IDC

Susan Middleton leads IDC's worldwide research on IT equipment, software, and services financing markets. As research director for IDC's Flexible Consumption and Financing Strategies for IT Infrastructure research, her analysis provides insight from both a supply-side and a buyers' point of view. Ms. Middleton's core research coverage includes the evolution of procurement models from purchasing, leasing and financing to the new as-a-service models, also known as flexible consumption. Based on her analysis and expertise on procurement strategies and IT equipment lifecycles, Ms. Middleton's research helps vendors and buyers understand the top drivers of the new flexible consumption models and the impact of these new buying behaviors on long-term IT equipment values and forecasts.

We believe IT must run faster than the business it supports.

The IT department of the future is an organizational change leader. Forward-thinking IT leaders will securely store and analyze data to improve outcomes, integrate collaboration technologies to design the end user experience, and broker platforms and services to enhance application performance. 

 At Burwood Group, we harness the power of automation and orchestration to make these ideals a reality. For 22 years we’ve enabled our clients to design, use, and manage technology to transform their business and improve outcomes. Our technical depth resides in unified communications, networking, and security infrastructure. 


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